Daily practice
Breath Series for Glandular Balance
This breath series is for reducing stress and fortifying the mind and body to effectively respond to change in a healthy way.
Guru Ram Das
This is a mantra of self-healing, humility, relaxation, protective grace, and emotional relief. It calls on the spirit of Guru Ram Das.
Tuning In (Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo)
Tuning in using the Adi Mantra, Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo. In consciously vibrating the sounds, you activate the master glands in the endocrine system and prepare the mind and body for practice. It is a signal to yourself that you are stepping into a different sort of activity and dropping into a new state of mind.
Love Is Love Meditation
This meditation helps you to open the heart, create a positive relationship to the self, and make you available to receive love.
Long Eng Ong Kar (Morning Call)
This chant stimulates the opening of all seven chakras, as a means of awakening kundalini energy, and is also known as the Siri (great) mantra or the magic mantra.
Meditation to Call in Wisdom-Knowledge
Meditation to call in Wisdom and Knowledge. Don’t be afraid to drop your past, change your attitude, have an altitude and define yourself. You are beautiful, bountiful, and blissful. Claim it!
Meditation to Balance 5 Tattras
This meditation balances the brain and relieves stress. It takes only three minutes but can have a profound effect. Yoga and meditation are effective technologies for clearing the clutter of the mind’s incessant chatter to reach a state of inner quietude where intuition flows and the solutions to even the toughest problems can be discovered.
Meditation for Addiction
Yogic science asserts that human habit patterns are set or broken in 40-day cycles. More deeply ingrained patterns may take longer to correct. An imbalance in the pineal area of the brain can make mental and physical addictions seem unbreakable. Balancing the glands in this area helps to break those patterns.
Heart Shield Meditation
This meditation expands the aura using a mantra to activate the power of the Heart Center. This enables the compassion of the Universe to uplift you and creates a Divine Shield to accompany and protect you through the ups and downs of life. If you practice this meditation a regular basis, it can eliminate the feeling of loneliness and separation from your soul.
Meditation to Arouse Mercy & Compassion
Develop your capacity for compassion, forgiveness, and grace.
Meditation for Burnout
A strong nervous system helps us stay calm and steady through times of stress. This exercise is said to give your nervous system great strength. The success of the exercise depends on how tightly you tighten your hands during the last 2 minutes. If you feel dizzy following the exercise, drink some water immediately.
Meditation for Trust
Develop trust in yourself and in the Universe to cover you. Trust and be guided by your inner wisdom. You are taken care of. Learn to let worry, fear, anxiety and hassling drop away.
Strength to Sacrifice
This kriya gives you the calm, assertive stillness to tolerate the minor pains, learn from the great ones and make Saturn your friend. Yogi Bhajan gave us seven steps to happiness. The last step is the power to sacrifice. That capacity allows us to transcend, to be part of something greater and to balance our short-term needs with our long-term destiny.
Purifying the Self
This kriya energizes you and helps purify the mind and body. The exercise sequence guides energy up along the spine, opens the chakras and then expands the aura.
Nabhi Kriya for Prana Apana
To stimulate good digestion and improve concentration, the Navel Point must be stimulated and the energy distributed through the two main naadis that pass on either side of the Navel Point. All the facets of this kriya do this.
Kriya to Anchor 10 Bodies
This kriya wakes up all ten bodies. The Ten Bodies are: Soul Body, Negative Mind, Positive Mind, Neutral Mind, Physical Body, Arc Line, Auric Body, Pranic Body, Subtle Body, Radiant Body.
Kriya for Tolerance
To gain strength for tolerance and humility, the navel center needs to be developed. This kriya works on the abdomen, stimulating the navel energy to rise to the higher centers and then integrating it with the whole aura. It is a good preparation for meditation. Two cycles of this kriya give you a good physical tuneup.
Kriya for Morning Sadhana
With 23 exercises, this kriya is a great total kundalini workout. It will work out all the kinks, strengthen the nervous and glandular systems, and set you up for a blissful morning meditation.
Kriya for Lungs, Magnetic Field and Deep Meditation
Your normal feelings of happiness, connection, and wellbeing depend on the balance of your individual psycho-electromagnetic field. If it is strong, your muscles obey the message nerves, and the message nerves give good perception to the brain.
Kriya for Inner Beauty
In Kundalini Yoga there are many practices which produce the state of union or ecstasy by combining the energies of prana and apana at the base of the spine, and raising the energy up to the pineal gland. This kriya focuses on releasing tension that inhibits the free flow of energy, and raising consciousness through the movement of ojas, a concentrated fluid of life force energy.
Kriya for Elevation
This easy set of exercises is excellent as a tune-up. It systematically exercises the spine and aids in the circulation of prana to balance the chakras.
Disease Resistance and Heart Helper
This kriya promotes calmness and disease-resistance by invigorating the first chakra to improve elimination; by strengthening the nervous system and by improving endurance through the third chakra; and by increasing upper body circulation and the strength of the heart.
Sat Kriya
Sat Kriya strengthens the entire sexual system and stimulates its natural flow of energy. It allows you to control the insistent sexual impulse by re-channelizing sexual energy to creative and healing activities in the body.
Basic Spinal Energy Set
In Kundalini Yoga it is often said that age is measured by the flexibility of the spine: to stay young, stay flexible. This series works systematically from the base of the spine to the top. All 26 vertebrae receive stimulation and all the chakras receive a burst of energy.
Short Navel Set
This kriya works out the entire elimination system. Then the sexual energy and breath energy are stimulated and circulated. Finally, the last 3 exercises raise the energy to the higher centers.
Healing Ra Ma Da Sa
This healing meditation is used to pray for healing energy for our friends, family, and ourselves. Practicing the mudra and the mantra properly will optimize the energy flow and will make this meditation all the more potent.
'Breaking the Mask' Meditation
We must break the imagery imprinted through self-hypnotic trances started in childhood. The heart center must open and relate beyond the pain or fear in that imprint. The affirmation used in this mantra is a double affirmative that can break away from the trance-like unreality created by the inner narratives of the hidden self.
Meditation for a Calm Heart
This soothing breath practice (pranayama) relieves anxiety and promotes calmness and mental clarity. Emotionally, this meditation adds clear perception to your relationships with yourself and others. If you are upset at work or in a personal relationship, sit in this meditation for 3 to 15 minutes before deciding how to act. Then act with your full heart.
Kirtan Kriya
This meditation brings mental balance. Through this practice, the mind awakens to the infinite capacity of the soul for sacrifice, service, and creation. It is said that a person who meditates on this sound current for 2.5 hours a day for a year, will know the unknowable and see the unseeable.
Meditation for the Positive Mind
You may have seen this hand mudra in paintings and statues. It is a gesture of happiness, blessing, and prosperity, and it opens the flow of the Heart Center. Master the technique and experience the state it brings, then share it by creating beauty and peace.
Meditation for the Negative Mind
When you need to balance the flashing negativity and protective fervor of the Negative Mind, use this meditation. It clears the subconscious of unwanted negative or fearful thoughts. Then the Negative Mind can give you clear signals to protect and to promote you. The posture is one of calmness and humility that lets the Creator, the Unknown, cover and shield you.
Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
This is a powerful transformative meditation which is said to invoke the Kundalini energy to give you the necessary vitality and intuition to combat the negative effects of the subconscious mind. It is a healing meditation that can increase your depth, dimension, caliber, and happiness. According to the tantra shastras, it also purifies your past karma and the subconscious impulses that may block you from fulfilling who you really are.
Breathing Exercise
Learning to connect with the breath by practicing a few exercises which invoke different states of breathing.
Sitali Breath Pranayama
Sitali Pranayama is a cooling breath that involves inhaling the breath through the curl of the tongue. We breathe as if “drinking” in moisture-rich air, which cools us down – physically and emotionally.
Strengthening the Inner Light
This kriya focuses on releasing tension that inhibits the free flow of energy, and raising consciousness through the movement of ojas, a concentrated fluid of life force energy.
Meditation for Love
You can download an mp3 version of this guided meditation for Love by clicking here.
Meditation for Abundance
You can download an mp3 version of this guided meditation for Abundance by clicking here.
Meditation for Trust
You can download an mp3 version of this guided meditation for Trust by clicking here.